
Things to know about Urine [Infographic]

15 Things To Know About Urine | ecogreenloveOriginally Published by Medical Billing and Coding

It’s something you do several times a day, but rarely think about. Throughout the ages, this output has been used in a variety of surprising and creative ways. On this infographic you’ll find some facts you may not know about this natural function.

It is Health the real Wealth | ecogreenlove


Guide to Spices [Infographic]

Guide to Spices [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Guide to Spices [Infographic] | ecogreenloveBy

This is the second part of ‘How to Maximize Flavor’ series by Cooksmarts. Read more about it here and see how you can become a flavoring pro and never cook a bland meal again!

Continue reading “Guide to Spices [Infographic]”


A Guide to Food Waste [Infographic]

A Guide to Food Waste [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

A Guide to Food Waste [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Brough to you by

In 2010, around one-third of the food produced in the United States was not consumed, and ended up being wasted. That is a troubling statistic, and represents a food waste crisis that if left ignored will continue to burn holes in the pockets of families, and contribute to waste and the myriad problems it causes our planet.

One of the first things you can do to cut food waste in your home is to stop treating the “best-before,” “use-by,” and “sell-by” labels as gospel that determine when food must instantly been thrown out. These labels are used for shelving and inventory purposes in stores, and you should always trust your eyes and nose before you trust a number on a package. Consider using food rather than throwing it out, unless your senses tell you otherwise!

Make your meal plans and take stock of what you have in your fridge and pantry before you go shopping, and shop accordingly. Consider joining a CSA to take advantage of freshness, and buy your groceries a few times a week and when needed, rather than all at once.

Practical Ways to Feel Happy

25 Science-Backed Ways to Feel Happier

Originally Published as 25 Science-Backed Ways to Feel Happier on

Even as children, we’re taught to recognize and celebrate feelings of happiness—and it’s no wonder. Not only is happiness one of the most positive emotions we can experience, but being happy is also the key to a fulfilled, healthy life. Plus, cheeriness is linked to living longer, how hard we work, physical function as we age, and an improved immune system, among other health benefits.

While it’s hard to define (especially since it varies from person to person), some experts describe happiness as “a combination of life satisfaction and having more positive emotions than negative emotions,” while others view it as consisting of three parts: feeling good, living a “good life,” and feeling part of a larger purpose. There’s also a distinct difference between short- and long-term happiness: The former is a fleeting feeling, while the latter applies to how we describe our own lives.

While some factors that affect happiness might be outside of our control (such as genetics or certain life circumstances), there are always actions we can take to amp up our own good feelings. To smile wider, be more satisfied with life, and feel altogether better—both in the present and the future—try introducing any (or all!) of these practices into your life. Continue reading “Practical Ways to Feel Happy”


What The Color of Your Urine Says About You [Infographic]

Originally posted by Urinary & Kidney Team on Cleveland Clinic

Color, density, and smell can reveal health problems. Human urine has been a useful tool of diagnosis since the earliest days of medicine. The color, density, and smell of urine can reveal much about the state of our health. Here, for starters, are some of the things you can tell from the hue of your liquid excreta.