
21 Ideas to Reuse Silica Packets

21 Ideas to Reuse Silica Packets | ecogreenlove

For sure you have gotten a lot of them inside a variety of different products.
Did you know you can reuse them over and over again?

Silica gel is a desiccant, a substance that absorbs moisture, which makes these packets perfect for keeping things extremely dry and moisture-free. Though silica gel packets clearly instruct you to throw them away and not to eat them, you can actually keep and reuse them in many ways. Here are just some ideas:

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12 Ideas to Upcycle Pistachio shells

12 Ideas to Upcycle Pistachio shells | ecogreenlove

Wondering how to make use of all those leftover pistachio shells?

To start, if you are not eating pistachios, you’re missing out on so many benefits. Did you know they are known as “happy nuts”? They help control diabetes, manage weight and stress, have a healthy heart, absorb iron, eliminate skin dryness and aid digestion.

Once you eat a little bunch a day, clean the shells and start crafting. Here are just some ideas of what you can make:

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25 Ideas to Upcycle Plastic Eggs

25 Ideas to Upcycle Plastic Eggs | ecogreenlove

What to do with those plastic containers after eating the chocolate and assembling the toy inside? 🥚

Although we do not recommend the consumption of this product, here are just some of the best and most creative ideas we found around to repurpose the plastic eggs afterwards:

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Effective Ways to Cut Plastic Bags from Our Shopping

Effective Ways to Cut Plastic Bags from Our Shopping | ecogreenlove

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) states that humans produce 300 million tons of plastic globally every year. Half of the plastic consumed is for single-use. In 2016, the United States alone had produced 42 million tons of plastic waste—the most generated by any other country.

Unfortunately, humans only dispose of a tiny fraction of plastics the correct way. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that 8.7% of plastics were recycled, or 3.3 million tons, in the United States in 2018.

Plastic bags can take approximately 1,000 years to break down, in which the particles seep into and contaminate the earth’s soils and waterways. This requires extensive purification of our drinking water to keep humans from consuming plastics. Even still, scientists believe we ingest about 5 grams of plastic every day, about the weight of a credit card.

There are several valid reasons why plastic bags should be banned, including the harm it causes to humans, wildlife and ecosystems. Yet, you may be wondering how to use them less and what alternatives are available. Here are five effective ways to cut plastic bags from your shopping. 

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