
7 Tips on being an Eco-Friendly Parent

7 Tips on being an Eco-Friendly Parent | ecogreenlove

Babies are miraculous things to behold, especially when you’re a parent. Now, while having a baby is a responsibility in of itself, not many parents think about how they can be more eco-friendly in their parenting. 

Wait! Eco-friendliness in parenting? You heard right! 

In this article, we’ll show you 7 tips on how to be an eco-friendlier parent, where both you and baby are not only happy together, but are also doing a world of good on the environment. Read on!

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Reusable Nappies vs Disposable [+ Visual]

Reusable Nappies vs Disposable [+ Visual]

In a world where the use of plastic straws is a social crime, why is nobody talking about disposable nappies?

Before we jump in and compare reusable nappies vs disposable, let’s calculate how many nappies an average baby gets through. Babies are typically in nappies for their first 2-3 years, where at first, they’ll go through an average of 12 nappies per day. As they get older this number will diminish to 4 – 6 per day. Therefore, if we take 8 nappies per day as a mean average, that equates to 2,920 nappies per year or 7300 nappies in 2.5 years!

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Eco-Friendly Travel Guide for the Whole Family

Eco-Friendly Travel Guide for the Whole Family | ecogreenlove

As more and more people are finally realizing the importance of eco-consciousness for the well-being of our planet, steps are being taken towards the preservation of the precious resources that we have left. While some people are looking to make their living environments more energy-efficient, others are implementing these ideas into their entire lifestyles, from their shopping habits to eco-friendly tourism. That’s right – you can remain mindful of Mother Nature even during your travels, and here are the most important things you need to know about this topic.

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6 Eco-Friendly Parenting tips to raise an Eco Baby

6 Eco-Friendly Parenting tips to raise an Eco Baby | ecogreenlove

Babies and sponges have one thing in common. Do you know what that is? The fact that they both absorb everything! So how about transforming your current way of things into an eco-friendly lifestyle? You can start right here with these 6 easy eco-friendly parenting tips to raise an eco baby.

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How to raise earth-friendly kids

How to raise earth-friendly kids | ecogreenlove

Our planet is our home and it is our duty to protect it at all costs. But nowadays the growing demands of people in all directions are ‘cutting on’ the Earth’s life. We must take up actions, which will reduce the amount of the damage. Recycling, planting trees and crops, decreasing paper usage are just a few of the things we must do. And if you want your children to live cleaner and better, you should raise them in an earth-friendly manner. They have to be aware of the fact that the planet is not an unlimited resource and that everyone should start ‘eco’ actions in order to make things right.
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