
Confused about recycling? It’s not your fault [Video]

If you’ve ever looked at the bottom of a disposable bottle or cup, you’ve probably noticed a recycling symbol. Seeing this, many people assume the item should be put in a recycling bin. Yet many plastics are incapable of being recycled at most centers. In fact, only 9% is recycled each year. So why are so few plastics recycled? And what do these symbols actually mean? Shannon Odell investigates.

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Is Well Water Healthier Than Municipal Water?

Is Well Water Healthier Than Municipal Water? | ecogreenlove

Water is a basic human necessity for life. While everyone needs it, there is an ongoing debate regarding the healthiest water source — well or municipal? With the state of water contamination nowadays, making a well-thought-out choice is essential to your health and well-being.

The average person uses up a lot of water daily, whether for drinking, cooking, showering or another use. As such, water quality is of the utmost importance. Let’s explore the differences between well and municipal water sources in the U.S. and which is better for you.

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The Climate Crisis Explained in 10 Charts

The climate crisis explained in 10 charts | ecogreenlove

From the seemingly inexorable increase in atmospheric CO2 to the rapid growth in green energy. Let’s explore the data as Cop28 begins:

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How Refurbished Electronics Reduce E-waste And Contribute To Environmental Sustainability

How Refurbished Electronics Reduce E-waste And Contribute To Environmental Sustainability | ecogreenlove

Are you a tech enthusiast with a knack for buying and flashing the latest electronic gadgets? Ever wondered where discarded electronic items end up? Perhaps not. Now is the time you should realize the impact the electronic waste generated has on the planet. 

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Sustainable Halloween Ideas

Sustainable Halloween Ideas | ecogreenlove

As we prepare for Halloween festivities and trick or treating activities, let this be a reminder that you can still do all those (and more) while making more sustainable and earth-friendly choices and swaps at the same time 🎃👻, take a look at these ideas we found:

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