
The Climate Crisis Explained in 10 Charts

The climate crisis explained in 10 charts | ecogreenlove

From the seemingly inexorable increase in atmospheric CO2 to the rapid growth in green energy. Let’s explore the data as Cop28 begins:

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How to Practice Gratitude [Visual]

How to Practice Gratitude [Visual] | ecogreenlove

Gratitude is something we may not notice that often unless we make a deliberate effort to invite the feeling in. However, taking note of the things that make your life just a little bit better can have a big effect on your overall wellness.

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The Impact of Doomscrolling on our Health [Visuals]

The Impact of Doomscrolling on our Health | ecogreenlove
1 minute

There’s no shortage of bad news in the media to “doomscroll”, but research suggests the compulsive urge to surf the web can lead to poor mental and physical health outcomes. Doomscrolling is the tendency to “continue to surf or scroll through bad news, even though that news is saddening, disheartening or depressing”, a practice researchers found has boomed since the onset of the pandemic. 1

Taking conscious steps to limit our news consumption might help and be beneficial for the wellbeing. Here are some good tips we found around.

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Sustainable Halloween Ideas

Sustainable Halloween Ideas | ecogreenlove

As we prepare for Halloween festivities and trick or treating activities, let this be a reminder that you can still do all those (and more) while making more sustainable and earth-friendly choices and swaps at the same time 🎃👻, take a look at these ideas we found:

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Cardiovascular Disease: What Women Need to Know (World Menopause Day) [Visuals]

Cardiovascular Disease: What Women Need to Know (World Menopause Day) | ecogreenlove

World Menopause Day is held every year on the 18th of October. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of the menopause and the support options available for improving health and wellbeing.

Breast cancer is often believed to be the number one cause of death and disability in women. In reality, it is cardiovascular disease. The number of cases of cardiovascular disease is high… and continuing to rise. But by understanding more about the causes and impacts of cardiovascular disease, you can take steps to reduce your risk.

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