
Foods that Fight Stress [Infographic]

Foods that Fight Stress [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Foods that fight Stress | ecogreenlove

It’s easy to forget the importance of everything we put into our bodies. What we eat has a critical impact on our health and in turn, our ability to deal with stress.

The main takeaway from this article should be to eat the most nutrient-dense foods possible. Meaning, for every bite you put in your mouth be sure you are getting important macronutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Here are some foods (note this is just a brief list – there are many more!) that can help alleviate your stress.

Remember, if you are under chronic or severe stress, food is just one component. Adequate sleep, hydration and stress management are also important factor to address!

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Eat by Date – How long does Food last?

IMG from “Food expired? Don’t be so quick to toss it” by Alexandra Sifferlin on

It may come as a shock, but printed food dates are not federally regulated and do not refer to food safety. Thus, it is usually safe to eat your “expired” food after its printed date has passed. This article helps you determine what’s in a “use by”, “best before”, “best by” or “sell by” date to help you break away from the food date myth. Utilize the shelf life resource and stop throwing out perfectly good food.

Continue reading “Eat by Date – How long does Food last?”

Why Compost and What to Compost? via @recycle_now


Why compost?

Composting is an inexpensive, natural process that transforms your kitchen and garden waste into a valuable and nutrient rich food for your garden. It’s easy to make and use.

“Just like you I am keen to do my bit for the environment and at the same time help my garden. All you need to do is follow the advice on this website and you too can get the best out of your bin and start giving Mother Nature a helping hand”

– Philippa Forrester

Continue reading “Why Compost and What to Compost? via @recycle_now”