
Make your Coffee Shop more Sustainable

Make your Coffee Shop more Sustainable | ecogreenlove

Humans like their small luxuries. Coffee consumption has been an inseparable part of civilization for half a millennium at the very least, and “coffee culture” has a special place of its own in the modern age.

Contrary to popular belief, coffee does not actually stand right behind oil as the most traded commodity on the planet, but the question of the coffee industry’s sustainability isn’t any less critical. It’s an especially important concern if you’re a coffee shop owner trying to go green.

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Which Coffee Cup is most Eco-Friendly? [Infographic]

Everything you Need to know about Coffee | ecogreenlove

Many people need that morning cup of coffee to get through the day. However, depending on their style of coffee cup, their daily jolt could be killing the planet.

Disposable cups made from materials such as paper, Styrofoam and plastic are cheap and convenient, but their impact on the environment can be costly. In fact, paper cups are produced by cutting down 20 million trees, and Styrofoam cups sit in landfills for 500 years before breaking down.

Reusable cups made from glass, porcelain, ceramic or earthenware are better as they don’t impact the flavor and are eco-friendly. Which one you select depends on how much you have to drink.

A traditional mug can be made of porcelain, ceramic or earthenware. It holds two to three times more than a demitasse mug, which is made of porcelain or ceramic. A double-walled metal mug comes in many styles and also can be used with a lid, which is perfect for travel.

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Ways to Boost your Energy naturally [Infographic]

Ways to Boost your Energy naturally [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Fighting off sleep at work during a boring meeting is nothing short of torture. And like it or not, there are some times when coffee or those sugary energy drinks and sodas don’t cut it. Learning how to get more energy naturally will help you avoid those crashes that come from sugar drinks and caffeine. GetVoIP has outline 20 ways to get more energy at work, from aligning with your circadian rhythm —or “chronotype” —to eating the right energy-boosting foods. There are even some tips that you would never even think affects your energy level, like watching cute animal videos and listening to music.

You can see them all here:

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Green your Morning Coffee Routine [Infographic]

Green Your Morning Coffee Routine [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Coffee is the most popular drink across the globe, with over 400 billion cups consumed yearly. In Britain, 500g of coffee is consumed per person, per year, with a total of £730 million spent on coffee every year. A shocking 50% of the US population drinks a cup of coffee everyday, whether from household coffee machines, at work, or out on the go.

Think of all the disposable cups, pods, and milk jugs thrown in the trash, the energy used to produce and roast the beans, and the distance the beans travel to end up in your cup. No one wants to give up their morning caffeine kick, but there’s always a way to lessen your impact on the environment.

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Fascinating Facts about Coffee vs. Tea [Infographic]

Fascinating Facts about Coffee vs. Tea [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

For long, coffee and tea-drinkers have feuded over which is the better beverage. In the face of this generation’s-long debate, will one side ever be declared the winner? Can one beverage truly be considered to be superior to the other? Here, are shown 10 facts about the effects of coffee and tea on your health.

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