
Which Coffee Cup is most Eco-Friendly? [Infographic]

Everything you Need to know about Coffee | ecogreenlove

Many people need that morning cup of coffee to get through the day. However, depending on their style of coffee cup, their daily jolt could be killing the planet.

Disposable cups made from materials such as paper, Styrofoam and plastic are cheap and convenient, but their impact on the environment can be costly. In fact, paper cups are produced by cutting down 20 million trees, and Styrofoam cups sit in landfills for 500 years before breaking down.

Reusable cups made from glass, porcelain, ceramic or earthenware are better as they don’t impact the flavor and are eco-friendly. Which one you select depends on how much you have to drink.

A traditional mug can be made of porcelain, ceramic or earthenware. It holds two to three times more than a demitasse mug, which is made of porcelain or ceramic. A double-walled metal mug comes in many styles and also can be used with a lid, which is perfect for travel.

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