
Health Benefits: Coffee vs. Tea [Infographic]

Health Benefits: Coffee vs. Tea [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

by Policy Expert via

The experts often cite health benefits of both coffee and tea so how is one to know which is more beneficial or healthy? This infographic compares a side by side of the two popular beverages and illustrates the health benefits and downfalls of both so that the decision is best left up to the beverage consumer.

It is Health the real Wealth | ecogreenlove


Fingernails and your Health [Infographic]

Fingernails and your Health [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Fingernails and your Health [Infographic] | ecogreenloveby Berkeley Wellness

It’s often said that the eyes are the window to the soul. But might fingernails reveal your health status? All kinds of conditions and diseases can affect your nails. For example, small depressions or pitting often occur in people with psoriasis.

A 2012 paper noted that 77 percent of psoriasis sufferers have nail abnormalities, most commonly pitting and onycholysis (a separation of the nail from the nail bed). Though far more common on toenails, fungus can also infect fingernails (onychomycosis), causing nails to thicken and turn yellowish.

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It is Health the real Wealth | ecogreenlove


Are they really Superfoods? [Infographic]


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The Best regimen for College Fitness [Infographic]

Starting out at college is a time of excitement, anticipation, and oftentimes, extreme nervousness. There are a whole host of prospects that can leave any freshman filled with anxiety, from making friends to maintaining good grades to knowing which classes to take. One of the biggest sources of anxiety for students, however, is unrelated to academics: A large percentage of students greatly fear the famous and dreaded freshman 15. The truth is, this isn’t an irrational fear: Most college students will gain between 15 and 25 pounds by the end of their sophomore year. One of the main causes of the freshman 15? Lack of exercise: Not only do the majority of college students not get the recommended amount of exercise, one in three just don’t exercise at all. To be fair, finding time for exercise in the midst of busy college life can be challenging, but there are some great ways that that particular hurdle can be side-stepped. Today’s infographic takes a look at the best ways for college students to stay fit even in the middle of a dorm room. From cardio to strength training to flexibility, there’s a myriad of ways in which even the biggest of couch potatoes can beat the freshman 15.

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