
Chemistry of a Craving and How to Curb it [Infographic]

Chemistry of a Craving and How to Curb it [Infographic] | ecogreenloveby Health Perch

Most of us have fallen victim to an unyielding urge for a candy bar, a bag of chips, or a chocolate chip cookie. Cravings have the ability to make us lose control, abandon healthy habits, and give in to an immediate desire to satisfy what feels like a primal need. So what is a craving and what makes us willing to drive a few miles out of our way just to get our hands on a double chocolate milkshake or a greasy grilled cheese sandwich.

Cravings were once thought to be identifiers of nutritional deficiencies. Now researchers believe cravings are influenced by three factors: diet, memory, and emotion.

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Is Chewing Gum harmful to the Environment? [Infographic]

Brought to you by Custom Made

A Sticky Problem

Whether it’s being used as a mid-day breath refresher or on the playground to see who can blow the biggest bubble—chewing gum is a daily habit for many people. But what happens when you’re done chewing it? 80–90% of chewing gum is not disposed of properly and it’s the second most common form of litter after cigarette butts.

Chewing gum is made from polymers which are synthetic plastics that do not biodegrade. When it’s tossed on the sidewalk, there it sits until it’s removed which can be a costly, time consuming process. Littered gum can also make it’s way into the food chain. It has been found in fish where it can accumulate toxins over time. Sustainable chewing gums have been produced. These gums are natural, biodegradable substances. Cities are also implementing gum receptacles to cut down on waste. In a six month period these trash cans cut down on littered gum by 72%.

Next time you get ready to toss your gum, consider aiming for a trash can instead of the side walk.

What is ‘Mindful eating’? What type of ‘Mindless Eater’ are you?

It is probably one of the most common things nowadays: Eating in front of the TV, eating while reading, eating while checking social networks on the mobile, eating while working in front of the computer… It happens to me and I have tried to get rid of that habit, which I’m aware is really bad. My mom (and I’m almost sure yours too) always told me it was terrible to eat while doing something else, but why? What if I don’t find the time to just eat because I have lots of work and I prefer to sacrifice eating my meal while working in front of the computer than leaving later? Or is a bit boring especially when living alone and you have no one else to talk to. It happens to me. I actually don’t eat much if I’m not watching something. Also, that I eat faster when doing so. Sometimes I’m not fully aware of what I’m eating. Has it happened to you that later in the evening or the next day(s) you don’t even remember what you ate?  But really, why is it SO wrong?

Well… I dedicated some time browsing around and found the answer. I’ll share with you three articles that go deep into the topic from experts. There is incredibly a lot of information out there, really lots. So… I hope these data helps you changing this habit. I am decided to cut it off. Here we go!

How to really enjoy your meal | What kind of Mindless Eater are you?
Mindful Eating is eating with Intention and Attention

Continue reading “What is ‘Mindful eating’? What type of ‘Mindless Eater’ are you?”


Your Health: It’s a Numbers Game

Source via FITsugar

Knowledge is Power. Please share this Infographic:

<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank"><img class="aligncenter" src="" alt="" width="550" height="1334" /></a><a href="" target="_blank">Source</a> via <a href="" target="_blank">FITsugar</a></p>

It is Health the real Wealth!

It is Health, the real Wealth! | ecogreenlove

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