
Mood and the Menstrual Cycle [Infographic]

Mood and the Menstrual Cycle [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

The word hormone comes from the Greek hormo, meaning to move forward. That’s appropriate because these powerful chemicals keep every part of the body working properly. Estrogen and progesterone, the primary female hormones, are essential for reproduction, growth, metabolism, and immune function. However, their constant fluctuation may also wreak havoc on the way many women feel.

In an analysis of 41 published studies of women’s daily moods, more than half found a link between bad moods and menstruation. Moreover, women in the Penn Ovarian Aging Study reported an increase of depressive symptoms as they transitioned into menopause. If you feel like you’re on a hormonal roller coaster, read on to learn what research suggests about hormonal mood swings, and discover natural ways to feel better no matter where you are in your cycle or life.

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Nature & our Mood [Infographic]

Nature & our Mood [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Originally Published by Happify

Hi! How is your day going? Did you already take a walk? Did you take the time to go out and contemplate nature? I personally am kind of a morning person for the technical stuff, but my creativity turns on by the evening, but what has helped me a lot is taking walks or going swimming very early in the morning, that’s my way to get up on the right foot and start the day in a good mood. By just taking a 30 mins walk I can admire nature (the river, the trees, the hills around us plus how slowly the day gets brighter) and can also watch people walking their dogs or jogging, is kind a being part of the same world, as silly as it may sound. Hope you find the time to go outside and just observe what is beyond the window of the office or home.

Have a great day!

look deep into nature, you'll understand everything | ecogreenlove


Chemistry of a Craving and How to Curb it [Infographic]

Chemistry of a Craving and How to Curb it [Infographic] | ecogreenloveby Health Perch

Most of us have fallen victim to an unyielding urge for a candy bar, a bag of chips, or a chocolate chip cookie. Cravings have the ability to make us lose control, abandon healthy habits, and give in to an immediate desire to satisfy what feels like a primal need. So what is a craving and what makes us willing to drive a few miles out of our way just to get our hands on a double chocolate milkshake or a greasy grilled cheese sandwich.

Cravings were once thought to be identifiers of nutritional deficiencies. Now researchers believe cravings are influenced by three factors: diet, memory, and emotion.

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eat good, feel good | ecogreenlove

Practical Ways to Feel Happy

25 Science-Backed Ways to Feel Happier

Originally Published as 25 Science-Backed Ways to Feel Happier on

Even as children, we’re taught to recognize and celebrate feelings of happiness—and it’s no wonder. Not only is happiness one of the most positive emotions we can experience, but being happy is also the key to a fulfilled, healthy life. Plus, cheeriness is linked to living longer, how hard we work, physical function as we age, and an improved immune system, among other health benefits.

While it’s hard to define (especially since it varies from person to person), some experts describe happiness as “a combination of life satisfaction and having more positive emotions than negative emotions,” while others view it as consisting of three parts: feeling good, living a “good life,” and feeling part of a larger purpose. There’s also a distinct difference between short- and long-term happiness: The former is a fleeting feeling, while the latter applies to how we describe our own lives.

While some factors that affect happiness might be outside of our control (such as genetics or certain life circumstances), there are always actions we can take to amp up our own good feelings. To smile wider, be more satisfied with life, and feel altogether better—both in the present and the future—try introducing any (or all!) of these practices into your life. Continue reading “Practical Ways to Feel Happy”


5 Ways To Manage Stress

5 Ways To Manage Stress | ecogreenlove

Found on NatureBox

Is stress bogging you down? Yeah, it happens to the best of us. Managing stress can feel easier said than done – but that doesn’t have to mean losing sleep over it. We’ve got five handy tips to help ease your anxiety. The short story?

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