How to Rest Effectively: 8 Practical Tips [Visuals]

How to Rest Effectively: 8 Practical Tips | ecogreenlove

In these crazy times, increasingly more people forget how to relax properly. Neither students nor employees get adequate sleep or have enough time to rest. Many still feel tired even after a break or vacation. The phenomenon of overworking has gradually replaced a more balanced lifestyle with proper resting periods.

That’s why in this article by IvyPanda you’ll learn many useful tips to engage in effective relaxation and you won’t struggle with a lack of productivity or motivation.

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Yoga: Exercises for Body & Mind [Visuals]

Yoga for Students [Visuals] | ecogreenlove

Undoubtedly, physical exercise is an important part of any person’s life. It can be challenging to find the time to go for a jog or hit the gym when you are juggling multiple activities. This is why yoga is recommended, especially to students.

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10 Ways to Calm Down Fast [Visual]

10 Ways to Calm Down Fast [Visual] | ecogreenlove

Life stressors abound, from financial troubles to cranky kids, grumpy coworkers, flat tires, loneliness, chores, and everything in between. When you’re at your wit’s end, it can feel like the only option is to keep working hard to stay on top of a million different things. But as counterintuitive as it seems, a better antidote may be to stop what you’re doing and devote a few moments to feeling less stressed. Here’s how to calm down in just five minutes. 

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Zenful Spirit: 9 Key Tactics for Mindfulness

Zenful Spirit: 9 Key Tactics for Mindfulness | ecogreenlove

Do you know that stress and anxieties can overburden your mind with incessant worries? However, do you know that being mindful could somehow help you decrease your mental health disabilities?

Yes, that’s right.

A strong mindfulness exercise can make a big change when it comes to modifying some of this stress. Mindfulness is all about feeling and seizing the present moment. You can be more aware of your responses and actions when you’re conscious of your thoughts especially in a workstation, where pressures can run in height.

Enable us to observe and distinguish ourselves and the world in a premeditated and indulgent way, being mindful will help us gain greater self-knowledge and awareness.

Therefore, zenfulspirit will provide you with the best information that will help you understand the strategies to achieve the state of mindfulness.

Here Are the 9 key tactics for mindfulness that will surely benefit you:

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How to meditate when it feels like everything is out of control [Visual]

How to meditate when it feels like everything is out of control [Visual] | ecogreenlove

As physical distancing measures continue, more people are turning to meditation: a practice that has been used by many different cultures and in many different ways, but always to quiet the mind and make us less reactive.

In recent years, research on meditation has shown that it may improve immune response, and also decrease stress and depression.

With everything that is happening in the world today, with everything that is out of our control, could meditation be the key to surviving quarantine?

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