
Parmesan Cheese in Numbers [Infographic]

Parmesan Cheese in Numbers [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Parmigiano Reggiano

Parmigiano Reggiano has long been a staple in Italian cuisine. Also known in English as parmesan cheese, this delicacy is used in several mouthwatering dishes and entrees. This includes melanzane alla parmigiana, along with lasagne – and as a topping for pizzas, pasta, and other Italian favorites. Like other Italian hard cheeses, parmesan is carefully manufactured to preserve its natural taste and texture. In fact, most parmesan cheese wheels have been aged for minimum 12 months and up to 36 months! This means an entire year of aging is needed before this popular cheese is sold to the public for  consumption. Whether at restaurants, cafes, or the comfort of home – parmesan cheese continues to soar in global popularity.

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Global Impact of Recycling [Infographic]

Global Impact of Recycling [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Global Impact of Recycling [Infographic] | ecogreenlovevia Mother Nature Network

One person ends up creating 1.5 tons of solid waste a year. 3/4th’s of that is recyclable, but only 30% is actually recycled. These figures are staggering and composting is a huge part of recycling I believe is going largely ignored by the general population.

Composting creates a reusable fertilizer that is can benefit plant growth and health. We have a company in Austin called the East Side Compost Peddlers. This company is a zero-emission company run solely on human-powered cargo bikes. For a monthly fee one will have their own pick-up peddler come to their door and retrieve your week’s compost. Once the organic matter has been turned into compost the members can actually have it delivered to help fertilize their own gardens.

To date the East Side Compost Peddlers have diverted a quarter of a million pounds of organic matter from the land fill and turned it into reusable compost. They’ve cut methane emissions by 40 tons, saved over 17,000 gallons of diesel fuel, and their peddlers have burned over 1.5 million calories.

All of that has happened with just one small company in Texas. Imagine if this was implemented nation wide. The benefits would be exponential.


Be Eco: Join the Green, Share the Love! | ecogreenlove


Every Drop Counts [Infographic]

Every Drop Counts [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Every Drop Counts [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

by Nature’s Water Ltd.

“On average the world’s population is growing by 80 million people a year, this increases demand for freshwater by about 64 million cubic metres a year. Competition for this water exists all over the world and its vital we make a few easy, everyday changes to help reduce water wastage in our homes and workplaces.”

Be Eco: Join the Green, Share the Love! | ecogreenlove

The Best regimen for College Fitness [Infographic]

Starting out at college is a time of excitement, anticipation, and oftentimes, extreme nervousness. There are a whole host of prospects that can leave any freshman filled with anxiety, from making friends to maintaining good grades to knowing which classes to take. One of the biggest sources of anxiety for students, however, is unrelated to academics: A large percentage of students greatly fear the famous and dreaded freshman 15. The truth is, this isn’t an irrational fear: Most college students will gain between 15 and 25 pounds by the end of their sophomore year. One of the main causes of the freshman 15? Lack of exercise: Not only do the majority of college students not get the recommended amount of exercise, one in three just don’t exercise at all. To be fair, finding time for exercise in the midst of busy college life can be challenging, but there are some great ways that that particular hurdle can be side-stepped. Today’s infographic takes a look at the best ways for college students to stay fit even in the middle of a dorm room. From cardio to strength training to flexibility, there’s a myriad of ways in which even the biggest of couch potatoes can beat the freshman 15.

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Rainwater Harvesting [Infographic]

Brought to you by CustomMade

Don’t be so quick to reject the water falling from the sky. Turns out harvesting rainwater is an ancient practice with loads of modern-day benefits. Here’s the lowdown on the practice, and how to put the rain that falls on your home to good use.

What Is Rainwater Harvesting?

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