
DIY Shower & Bath [Recipes Infographic]

DIY Shower & Bath [Recipes Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Following is an infographic designed to help you create easily your own spa, shower and bath products.

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Green Media: Shower better (Switch & Save)

As most of us would probably agree, a good shower helps us get ready to start the day or wind down after a long day. Sure, you could shorten your shower by one minute and save 550 gallons of water a year. But some are not ready to give up any of their shower time. The good news is that consumers can switch their older model showerheads to a new WaterSense labeled showerhead that is certified to save at least 20% or more water and provide a satisfying spray. This amounts to saving 2,900 gallons of water a year! And switching to a WaterSense labeled showerhead not only saves water but also saves energy and money on your utility bills. Join Flo and her cat, Puddles, in making the switch to savings with WaterSense.

EPA’s WaterSense program is dedicated to helping Americans be water-efficient in their homes, both indoors and outdoors.

For more tips on how you can save water when you are in the shower and out, visit
For more about EPA:

Be Eco: Join the Green, Share the Love! | ecogreenlove


Tips to save Water [Infographic]

Top 10 tips for Saving Water [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Infographic by Superdrain

Water is important to everyone and everything. We use it every day and sometimes don’t notice how much we waste. With recent laws and taxes, the idea of reserving water has never been as important to home owners. Superdrain has just created this infographic which has the best ways to do just that. It features 10 ways anyone could apply to their daily lives and save a large amount of water. Ranging from the bathroom sink to the kitchen tap they’ve all been proven to be beneficial. This Infographic is sure to benefit any reader who decides to have even a quick look through.

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Go Green and Save Money [Infographic]

Created by EasyFinance

De-Wrinkling Hacks For Ironing

Ironing has become a dated chore that we rarely incorporate into our hectic lives. This belief has caused ironing and it’s many techniques to become a lost art. It’s time to revive this lost art and give clothing and our appearance a little more attention. This infographic, “Crinkles, Folds, and Creases,” is your guide to the many techniques of ironing and how they can spruce up your wardrobe.

If you’re still not feeling the classic way of ironing, Alight Fashion has collected a number of modern, quick methods to give your clothes a neater appearance. From using shower steam to your flat iron when you are in a hurry to get out the door.

Brought to you by Alight Fashion Blog