
Why your Posture matters and How to Fix it [Infographic]

Why your Posture matters and How to Fix it [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Are you craning your head forward or slumped in your chair as you read this? If so, you may be doing your body harm. Sitting in a slumped position doesn’t just look sloppy. It reduces your lung capacity and can lead to high blood pressure, digestive issues, and muscular imbalances. And it’s not just your body that suffers. Slouching is linked to low self-esteem and depression.

When most people try to fix poor posture, they unintentionally create more muscular tension, which can lead to dysfunction and pain. Keep reading to understand why sitting at your desk encourages bad posture, and discover the best way to sit at work to improve your health and well-being.

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How to Prepare your Office for a Hurricane [Infographic]

How to Prepare your Office for a Hurricane [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Whether your company’s office resides in a hurricane evacuation zone or not, weather is unpredictable. Hurricane preparedness is essential to protect your employees, important documents, furniture, computers and other electronics, and building. A clear plan that outlines specific tasks for designated employees and department heads–plus training to ensure everyone knows who’s in charge of what—can help your company stay level headed during a frightening time. A disaster supply kit, with everything from cleaning supplies and flashlights to non-perishable foods and eating utensils, will offer comfort and safety should a hurricane turn for the worse. Follow the tips and guidelines below to prepare your office safety plan and supplies in the event of a hurricane.

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Ergonomic Tools for your Office [Infographic]

Ergonomic Tools for your Office [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

By now, many of us have read about the dangers of deskwork. Hours and hours of plugging away at a computer strains our muscles, joints, eyes, and just about everything else in some way or another. While a big focus of office safety has been on standing desks and more ergonomically-sound desk chairs, many of us forget about what lies at the end of our own two hands. This infographic breaks down ergonomic keyboard and mouse options to improve hand, wrist, and arm comfort; reduce strain; and prevent and alleviate long-term injuries. Plus it offers tips to use your mouse and keyboard more safely.

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Lunch ideas [Infographics]

Lunch Ideas [Infographics] | ecogreenlove

For schoolers, university students and/or for the office. I found two handy infographics that show how to make a simple, quick yet colorful and healthy compact lunch that you can pack and take wherever. It all comes down on how the food looks so that you start to dig in, if your lunch is a sticky kitchen-paper wrapped boring sandwich, then you won’t be looking forward to eat it and it won’t open your appetite. In my case, at least, love for food does enter through the eyes, not blind love… If you are like me, then check this out and let me know if you would be proud to take this to school/work!

Remember: The less plastic, the better

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