
Creative uses for Leftover Wallpaper [Infographic]

Creative uses for Leftover Wallpaper [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

The most interesting ideas are often born by mistakes. While cleaning, maybe you have found a large amount of things that you don’t even know why you keep them, for example: a half or just pieces of wallpaper that is still left over from a last renovation?

Well, if that is your case, this guide can help you design something very creative out of it. Here are 11 creative ideas for leftover wallpaper that are also easy to make by yourself.

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Kombucha [Infographic + Recipe]

Kombucha [Infographic + Recipe] | ecogreenlove

Good news for anyone who has paid upward of $5 for one bottle of kombucha: There is a cheaper option. Just as with beer, home-brewed kombucha is having a moment. Proponents of the fizzy stuff maintain it is nothing short of a magical elixir that can cure all ills, while scientific research is more hesitant to jump on the kombucha bandwagon.

Is kombucha consumption a fleeting fad to be ignored, or is the beverage’s popularity well deserved? Let’s get to the bottom of the fermenting barrel to find out whether kombucha is as great as its fans claim, and figure out how to make and utilize your own brew at home.

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Sustainable Thanksgiving [Infographic]

Sustainable Thanksgiving [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

In the spirit of using less fuel and supporting local farms and food artisans, we challenge you to try a 100-mile Thanksgiving. A 100-mile Thanksgiving uses ingredients sourced from within 100 miles of your dinner table. Think of it as an opportunity to celebrate local food, rather than an obligation to source every last ingredient from within 100 miles. Food miles, or the amount of miles a certain product has traveled to its final destination, are an important consideration when trying to reduce your carbon footprint and the amount of oil and gasoline used in making a meal.

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3 Ways to use Leftover Broccoli

3 Ways to use Leftover Broccoli | ecogreenlove

3 Ways to use Leftover Broccoli | ecogreenloveSource unknown (if you own this image or know the original source, please let us know to give proper credit)

“Never throw away leftover cooked broccoli again. These are 3 tried-and-true recipes for making the most of your leftover florets – and your family’s grocery budget.”

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Small changes make a Big difference 💚

eat good, feel good | ecogreenlove