
Oregano Essential Oil Benefits [Infographics]

IMG from Soregano (Oregano essential oil extracted by steam distillation)

On November last year, I had the opportunity of coming along to interview a lovely lady called María Elena Solís Flores who is producing her own *Oregano Essential Oil (Soregano) and is trying to introduce nationally (in Mexico) the major health benefits of this “weed”, but looking forward to expand internationally as well.

It was really an eye opening experience since I had never been on the field and behind the whole process of steam distillation to get the oil from herbs like the oregano. And it was even more shocking to see how this plant survives everything, and how local people is not realising the natural gem with so many healing properties they have in their backyard. Some even use herbicide to kill the oregano plant since they consider it a “weed” when trying to grow corn (for example)!

Maybe we don’t have a big garden to plant our own oregano, but be sure that if you grow one yourself (even on your kitchen’s windowsill) you’ll get one of the basic Mexican food’s spices that not only provides flavour but also the following health benefits:

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Natural Cough Remedies

IMG from

Originally Published by Claire Goodall on

There are two primary types of coughs, dry and productive. A productive cough is one in which you are coughing up phlegm or mucous-this is not a cough that should be suppressed, as your body needs to rid itself of the gunk that’s in your chest/lungs. While it shouldn’t be suppressed, some of these remedies will address a productive cough by including an expectorant, or something that loosens mucous and makes it easier for the body to get rid of.

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Reasons to Drink Lemon Water in the Morning

Originally posted by Sayer Ji on GreenMed

Did you know that lemons have more potassium than apples or grapes? This interesting fact is just one of the many reasons why drinking lemon juice every morning can impact your health. Starting your day with lemon juice is an excellent way to boost vitality, increase energy and cleanse out your system. The first thing you put in your body each day can have a big impact on your productivity and mood. That’s why it’s recommended to start the day with a warm jar of lemon water. You can use anywhere from one half to a whole lemon each morning.

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Ginger & Cinnamon Everyday for Muscle Soreness

Ginger & Cinnamon Everyday for Muscle Soreness | ecogreenlove

I do not own the information described here.
The following text(s) have been collected from external websites with the only purpose to share the information.
All Sources with their respective links are marked at the end of the article.

Many well-intentioned workout resolutions have been thwarted by the first signs of sore, stiff muscles in the days following a visit to the gym.  A new study finds that two common kitchen spices help relieve that post-workout muscle pain.

Researchers at Iran’s Isfahan University of Medical Sciences studied the effects of ginger and cinnamon on the muscle pain of 60 fit female competitive Taekwondo players, aged 13-25 years.  The women were divided into three groups. For six weeks, each group took three grams (1 tsp = 4 grams) of either powdered ginger, cinnamon or placebo every day.

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