
DIY Organic Cosmetics [Infographic]

DIY Organic Cosmetics [Infographic] | ecogreenlove
[Versión traducida al Español aquí]

“The effects of makeup on your health are more than just skin-deep. Your makeup bag harbors more horrors than you can shake a sharp stick at: everything from lead to asbestos and quite a few nasty things in between. Some of the ingredients moonlight as stabilizers for pesticides and industrial cleaners. Can we all agree that something that’s used to clean a factory floor probably shouldn’t be cleaning your delicate face?”

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Reblogged: How to Eat Apples Nose to Tail

Reblogged: How to Eat Apples Nose to Tail | ecogreenlove

Originally article by

Reblogged: How to Eat Apples Nose to Tail | ecogreenlove
Save all the apple peels and cores in one big glass jars. Add a tablespoon of sugar, fill the jar with water and now have homemade scrap vinegar brewing away. You can find a detailed post on scrap vinegar here.

Some facts we can’t pass sharing:

According to the NRDC (Natural Resource Defense Council):

  • 40 percent of food goes to waste in the US
  • Wasted food rotting in landfill accounts for 25 percent of US methane emissions
  • Wasted food squanders 25 percent of all US freshwater
  • 1 in 6 Americans is food insecure
  • A mere 15 percent of this food could feed 25 million Americans every year

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Food Waste [Video]

Award-winning author Tristram Stuart argues that food waste is a global scandal.
via AJ+

I stumbled upon this video and is never enough when we publish something about food waste. Here are some facts and numbers in a visual easy-to-read infographic way that show what is costing to the environment, here is a video with some story about food waste, a video showing “stellar examples of ugly fruit and veggies” from FB and yet another video as example of how food that has been trashed out can be perfectly edible and even help others who can’t afford to eat nice food from the supermarkets or in a nice restaurant without having to go to the junk cheap food place. Well, there is even a Food Waste Day with some tips you can do to avoid wastage. We have even posted about how to use up some leftovers.

Continue reading “Food Waste [Video]”

Make your own All Natural Homemade Blusher/Bronzer! via @JillsGoodThings
