
Banning Plastic Water Bottles [Infographics]

Banning Plastic Water Bottles [Infographics] | ecogreenlove

You may not think twice about picking up a plastic water bottle at the airport or a concert venue and then tossing it in the recycling bin whenever you finish hydrating. After all, plastic water bottles are easy to use and accessible—you can find them pretty much anywhere you go.

But all this convenience comes at a major price for the environment on which we all rely. Single-use plastics (such as plastic water bottles) add to our landfills, pollute our oceans, and cause untold devastation to wildlife and the environment as a whole. What’s more, plastic water bottle production contributes to climate change.

The good news? There’s a straightforward solution to the plastic water bottle conundrum. We simply need to use less of them. Plastic water bottle bans in cities, states, and entire countries have made major strides, as well as people converting to reusable bottles.

Take a closer look at plastic water bottle use around the world plus why it’s so important to ban the bottle.

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Types of Reusable water Bottles [Infographic]

Types of Reusable water Bottles [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Every minute, people all around the world buy roughly 1 million plastic bottles—a number that’s expected to jump past ½ trillion by 2021. Once we’re done with these single-use bottles, most end up in landfills or the ocean (Americans recycle less than 30 percent of them). But we need water to live and bottles are convenient and portable. The best solution? Ditch single-use plastics for high-quality, durable, reusable materials. In the case of water bottles, glass, stainless-steel and BPA-free plastic reign supreme.

In the infographic below, are the top benefits of each material choice, tips for buying, plus how to effectively clean bottles—either by hand or in the dishwasher.

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Reusing big plastic water/milk bottles/jugs

Updated: January 2019

Watch very cool ideas to repurpose plastic jugs on this video from Facebook (we couldn’t embed it)

Repurpose the handle of a plastic jug to make a shovel

Recycled plastic guitar toy for kids

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Drip irrigator from a Plastic Bottle via cool4ideas and wikiHow


Drip irrigation is a cost-effective method of watering your plants. Through a network of inexpensive pipes and tubing, drip irrigation allows for water to slowly drip directly to the plants’ roots, without any of the water wastage that is typically encountered with standard plant-watering methods. Drip irrigation lets a steady supply of water be delivered to your plants over a period of time, so you do not have to worry about having to deal with dry or wilted plants during hot summer months.

If you have a few outdoor plants that you need to attend to, you can easily make your own drip irrigation from a plastic bottle and a few other household materials. Aside from the fact that making your own drip irrigation is inexpensive, you also get to do your part in recycling as well.

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Mexicans flock to recycle plastic bottles in exchange for food vouchers via @guardianeco

Since Mexico City closed a huge landfill, residents have warmed to recycling – but the rest of the waste system is yet to catch up

Bordo Poniente landfill
The Bordo Poniente landfill outside Mexico City. It was shut down 19 months ago to be replaced by a modern waste management plant. Photograph: Reuters

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