
Tips for your Physical & Mental Wellbeing during Lockdown

Tips for your Physical & Mental Wellbeing during Lockdown | ecogreenlove

The world is still fighting against COVID-19 and while certain countries have lifted the strict measures that were in place to help flatten the curve, others are still imposing lockdown on their citizens seeing as how the pandemic is still not slowing down in their area. In case you live in a place where the quarantine is not over, you need to be aware of the fact that you have to work on your mental and physical wellbeing in order to come out of this whole situation healthy. Here are some steps you can take.

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How to meditate when it feels like everything is out of control [Visual]

How to meditate when it feels like everything is out of control [Visual] | ecogreenlove

As physical distancing measures continue, more people are turning to meditation: a practice that has been used by many different cultures and in many different ways, but always to quiet the mind and make us less reactive.

In recent years, research on meditation has shown that it may improve immune response, and also decrease stress and depression.

With everything that is happening in the world today, with everything that is out of our control, could meditation be the key to surviving quarantine?

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