
Amazing Advantages of Vertical Gardening

Amazing Advantages of Vertical Gardening | ecogreenlove

No matter what time of the year it is, it is always the perfect time to make a garden. One of the most popular gardening trends is the vertical garden. They don’t just look really beautiful they are also so popular because they provide a lot of environmental benefits and can help you save some money.

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Alarming Indoor CO2 Levels [Infographic]

Alarming Indoor CO2 Levels [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

The indoor air quality in our homes can be worse than we think – and it could be leading to a wide variety of health problems. Thanks in part to super-efficient modern homes, we may be living in homes filled with volatile organic chemicals such as formaldehyde and benzene that could be having a dangerous long-term impact on our health.

An expert on indoor air quality, Professor Colbeck explains that both outdoor and indoor air need to be considered when evaluating air quality indoors. He says outdoor air pollution in the present day mostly involves nitrogen oxides and particulate matter from traffic emissions.

Unfortunately, while outdoor air pollution is regularly discussed, indoor air pollution gets little attention. This is despite the fact that, as Dawson points out, “Indoor air pollution can be up to five times worse than outside air pollution.”

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Are you aware of Sick Building Syndrome?

Are you aware of Sick Building Syndrome? | ecogreenlove

Sick building syndrome, also known as building-related illness, is a controversial subject shrouded in mystery, hearsay, and conflicting arguments. The fact that there are no diagnostic tests and specific treatments for it stirs even more confusion.

What is clear, though, is that many people seem to succumb to illnesses as the result of exposure to a host of biological, physical, and chemical agents present in residential and commercial buildings. Therefore, sick building syndrome can be considered an umbrella term for multifarious risk factors and symptoms that occur in indoor environments.

And no matter how we choose to call them, rest assured that they are real.

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Air Conditioning and Health [Infographic]

Air Conditioning and Health [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Air conditioning provides welcome relief from hot weather and is an obvious solution to prevent heat-related illnesses and deaths. But AC systems themselves can lead to health problems if not maintained properly.

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How to combat Air Pollution [Infographic]

How to combat Air Pollution [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

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How to combat Air Pollution [Infographic] | ecogreenlove
Infographic by CustomMade

Air pollution has a variety of contributors from stationary sources, like factories and power plants, to natural sources, like forest fires and dust storms. Air pollution has been shown to have a direct link with health. Those living in areas with high levels of air pollutants have a 20% higher risk of death from lung cancer. It can also cause respiratory inflammation, asthma, and ear infections.

The good news is, air quality in the U.S. is improving, however there’s still a good amount of progress to be made. You and your family can help decrease air pollution by making simple changes in your home. From replacing a wood stove with an EPA-certified model to turning off the lights when you leave a room—you can have an impact on the quality of the air.

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