
Upcycling Day 💚 15 Creative Ideas to Repurpose

Upcycling Day 💚 15 Creative Ideas to Repurpose | ecogreenlove

If you happen to have old CDs, plastic bottle caps, aluminium pop tabs, chips can tube or old/broken kitchen utensils, give it a try to these ideas and turn “trash” into something functional or decorative.

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Reusing Old Curtains

Creative Ways to Repurpose old Curtains | ecogreenlove

Do you have leftovers or scraps from your curtains? Or you don’t use them anymore but the fabric or design is too pretty to waste it away? There are plenty of ideas to repurpose all kinds of curtains, check them out below and get inspired! 💚

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Beauty & Hygiene Plastic-Free Swaps [Visual]

Beauty & Hygiene Plastic-Free Swaps [Visual] | ecogreenlove

Maybe eliminating single-use plastic entirely feels daunting, but by shopping mindfully, you can make a difference without sacrificing your creature comforts.

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Reduce your Household Food Waste with a touch of a button [App]

Reduce your Household Food Waste with a touch of a button [Cup O' Sugar App] | ecogreenlove

At Cup O’ Sugar, Earth Day is not just a day but the company ethos. The iOS app was launched with the vision of reducing food waste one connection at a time and that is exactly what Cup O’ Sugar is doing. By redefining the ways communities interact and connect with one another, the environment is positively affected.

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Practical ideas for Plastic-Free July [Visuals]

Practical ideas for Plastic-Free July [Visuals] | ecogreenlove

Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Will you be part of Plastic Free July by choosing to refuse single-use plastics?

Below are some tips to find out how you can reduce plastic waste. Anyone can get involved and start out small, or really challenge yourself! Get inspired with these ideas:

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