
Environmental Dates: Garbage Man Day

During this special week of celebration for National Garbage Man Day, starting on June 17th, we will join together to thank the women and men who daily work to keep our neighborhoods and streets safe and clean!

The new National Garbage Man Day slogan “Keeping You and the Environment Safe” captures the true mission of these individuals. It also strikes at the heart of why we celebrate the women and men in the waste management industry. Performing their jobs day in and day out with excellence keeps our local communities and the world at large safe and clean. Many people may not realize the enormous environmental impacts of recycling programs or how their local sanitation workers are positively impacting the world’s environment. Why do you Love Your Garbage Man? Because they are “Keeping You and the Environment Safe”!

Join with us the week of June 17th to celebrate these hard-working women and men for National Garbage Man Day!

Source: Article by Beau Moffatt on

Be Eco: Join the Green, Share the Love! | ecogreenlove


Ways to Green the Food Supply Chain [Infographic]


Created and brought to you by Marylhurst University’s Online MBA in Sustainable Business program

With energy efficiency on everyone’s mind in the last few years, experts are looking into ways to make the general food chain more ecologically conscious as well.

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Spring Cleaning Guides & Tips

Spring Cleaning Guides & Tips [Program] | ecogreenlove

It’s oficially spring (yaaaay!) but along comes the Spring Cleaning (meeeeh!). This is not the first time I try to “spring clean” my small apartment, but I have to tell you, for me is both exciting 😀 and overwhelming D:

So I decided to do some research on Organising specialised blogs, to give you tips from the very professionals and make it less overwhelming and exhausting as well. I found these tips, I hope they are useful. Personally I will start on Monday 24th, a little bit every day so the Spring Cleaning doesn’t have to be a Torture and such exhausting days. Which in the end I know is very satisfying, but not everybody is very into this tradition, so why not make it a light and organised (family) time?

First things first, the BEST tip I found is this from Organize and Decorate Everything:

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