
Turning Junk Food in Healthy Meals [Video]

The Real Junk Food Project turns food waste into meals. The group’s founder, Adam Smith, tells AJ+ how he’s feeding the less fortunate using food collected from supermarket dumpsters. From video journalist Silvia Boarini in the United Kingdom.

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eat good, feel good | ecogreenlove


Tips on Dumpster Diving [Infographic]

Tips on Dumpster Diving [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Click to Enlarge ImageFrom Trash to Treasure: The Dos and Don’ts of Successful Dumpster Diving | ecogreenloveInfographic by CustomMade

While some people spend the early morning hours asleep, partying, or getting ready for work, other people around the world pursue a slightly less conventional activity: digging through trash.

Why, you might ask, would someone enthusiastically subject themselves to the often disgusting sights and smells on the inside of a dumpster or in the middle of a trash heap? Turns out, these intrepid dumpster divers are on to something. Read on to learn what dumpster diving is all about and how you can take advantage of the wonderful treasure that is other people’s trash.

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