10 Tips for Identifying Sustainable Beauty Products

10 Tips for Identifying Sustainable Beauty Products | ecogreenlove

If you want to take your beauty game to the next level, you might be looking for products that are good for both you and the environment. But with so many brands to choose from, how do you know you’re getting something truly sustainable? Here are 10 clues you’ve found a winner.

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6 Sustainable Tips For Eco-Friendly Hiking and Planning

6 Sustainable Tips For Eco-Friendly Hiking and Planning | ecogreenlove

Hiking is known to help individuals experience nature in person, rather than just watch it from a TV screen. However, as more and more people take up hiking, there’s now a need for sustainable hikers. By “sustainable,” we mean that it’s only right for all hikers to explore places in the most respectful way possible. Sounds simple, right? It is!

So, if you want to be an eco-warrior-hiker hybrid, then read on! We’re here to give you 6 tips on how to be a sustainable hiker when you’re planning your trip, and when you’re on your trip!

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Vegan & Cruelty-Free Nail Care Routine 💅

Vegan & Cruelty-Free Nail Care Routine | ecogreenlove

Healthy, strong, protected and beautiful nails are something most ladies strive for. Until recent years, we didn’t have much choice regarding the cosmetic and nail care products we use, but that has changed completely nowadays. We’re not condemned to using products that are tested on animals and that are made from animals as many companies have switched to vegan and cruelty-free practices.

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Benefits of Natural Skincare and Makeup

Benefits of Natural Skincare and Makeup | ecogreenlove

As soon as we hear the word natural, a warm and fuzzy feeling wakes up inside us. Natural is always better, there is simply no room for debate about it, but most people aren’t exactly sure as to why, and even when they have a vague idea, they ask themselves in which ways and to which extent turning right and landing in the Natural Skincare Lane and Natural Makeupville is really beneficial for them. If you need any convincing, steering in that right direction, read on, because the list of benefits will be enough to persuade you.

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