
Science-backed ways to Improve Creativity [Infographic]

Science-backed ways to Improve Creativity [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Self improvement is a popular topic and it is also important to focus on inward development. Incorporating minor changes to your routine can elevate your creative output and increase productivity throughout the year.

These tips for maximizing creativity were compiled by a variety of experts and psychologists. Read the simple suggestions below to improve your daily routine and inspire more innovation.

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Upcycling your Rug [Infographic]

Upcycling your Rug [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Upcycling, or Creative reuse, is the process of taking materials or products that are no longer wanted or needed and through creativity, transforming them into works of art, items of home decoration, or something else useful. It’s seen a resurgence in recent years, with repurposing becoming more popular as we become more aware of the limit of our resources and the impact we have on the earth as a species.

With sites like Pinterest, you can now get plenty of ideas for upcycling your unwanted items. The Rug Seller decided to take a look into what old rugs could be creatively turned into. It was quite surprising how many options there were, but in this infographic we dig into just a few. We’ll show you how to turn your rug in an accessory for your favourite outfit, how to make it into something to keep your cat occupied and how to revamp it for more use as a rug.

If you’re looking to repurpose one of your old rugs, or even something else in your home, we hope this will give you some inspiration to get creative and try something new. What have you got to lose?

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Creative uses for Leftover Wallpaper [Infographic]

Creative uses for Leftover Wallpaper [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

The most interesting ideas are often born by mistakes. While cleaning, maybe you have found a large amount of things that you don’t even know why you keep them, for example: a half or just pieces of wallpaper that is still left over from a last renovation?

Well, if that is your case, this guide can help you design something very creative out of it. Here are 11 creative ideas for leftover wallpaper that are also easy to make by yourself.

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Creative ways Materials are Upcycled [Infographic]

Creative ways Materials are Upcycled [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

“Aside the responsibilities that burden the manufacturing sector, we as individuals can do a lot to help our planet survive from the human rush. Upcycling is a good example of adopting a greener lifestyle. Fast Haul presents 8 alternative ideas of reusing waste materials to create new products with value.”

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Creative uses for recyclables [Infographic]

40 creative uses for recyclables [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

An alternative to recycling is upcycling, or reusing materials and things you would have otherwise thrown away. This gives a new life and a new use to things without requiring any extra resorting or processing.

The team at Personal Creations made a graphic showing how you can upcycle items around the home to keep it out of the garbage. There are 40 ideas overall and there’s inspiration and examples for different materials you commonly have at home.

So the next time you’re headed to the trash or recycle bin check out this graphic and think about if there’s a good use you could put that item to first:

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