
The true Cost of Living Off the Grid [Infographic]

The true Cost of Living Off the Grid [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

As bills rack up and carbon footprints become measurably worse, it’s no wonder living off the grid is becoming an increasingly popular lifestyle. According to the Conservation Institute, over 1.7 billion people are living off the grid, meaning they do not rely on public utilities (electricity, water, etc.)

Off-grid living isn’t for everyone, but once you’re up and running and pay off the starting costs, you’ll wind up saving tens of thousands of dollars in the long run. This radical lifestyle change can present many challenges, which is why this visual is a guide for building a life off the grid, from the need-to-know stats to the cost estimates and equipment needed to get yourself going.

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Could you live Off the Grid? [Infographic]

Could you live Off the Grid? [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Advancements in micro-energy production mean that by using one or more of the methods listed in this piece, providing energy for a modern home has never been more achievable. A part of this will involve coupling your own energy production with energy efficient ways of heating your home.

Yet living off the grid requires more than simply providing your own energy. To really embrace off-the-grid living you will need to find your own water supply and produce and store as much food as possible.

Unless you’re planning to be a subsistence farmer, you may want to try using a greenhouse. Greenhouses are an excellent way to produce much needed food all year round. However, growing food is only half the battle. You will also need to store it ready for times of need. This is where your DIY skills could come in handy as the best way to store food could be to simply build your own root cellar.

While it may be unrealistic to use all of these methods. Adopting one or two of them would be a great way of becoming both more self-reliant and more environmentally friendly.

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Myths about Recycling [Infographic]

Myths about Recycling [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

With so many misconceptions about recycling swirling around, a little knowledge can go a long way towards helping you make wise decisions about how to dispose of your trash. If you didn’t know the truth behind all these myths it would be easy to think that recycling wasn’t worth our time, effort, or money but that could not be farther from the truth. While it certainly isn’t a perfect solution to dealing with our trash problem, recycling is an important part of our long-term sustainability strategy. Simply put, the pros of recycling outweigh the cons in almost all situations.

Take a closer look at some of these myths!

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Best Solar Panel [Review]

Best Solar Panel [Review] | ecogreenlove


Solar panels are the best way to get your power for free. And while they’re built to last for 25 years or more, it’ll take some time to recoup your investment and not every manufacturer or installer will be around as long. An engineer and a solar expert confirmed Reviews‘ findings: The best panels have efficiency ratings that pack a powerful punch and come from manufacturers with a proven track record.

188 Contenders → 5 TOP PICKS

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