
How to Make your own Fragrant Herb Garden [Visual]

How to Make your own Fragrant Herb Garden [Visual] | ecogreenlove

Whether you are an avid gardener or not, a fragrant herb garden is a great addition to any home as it’s easy to tend to and offers so many benefits. A fragrant herb garden is made up of herbs that give off a light scent that makes it the perfect place to unwind after a long day and uplift your spirits with the refreshing scents they provide.

Fragrant herbs are valued for their aromatic properties, but offer multi-sensory pleasures and a variety of uses including culinary, medicinal and even spiritual. There is a huge assortment from which to choose, each with their own unique scent and benefits.

Whether you want to take up a new hobby, save money on recipes or just have an aromatic atmosphere in your home, setting up a fragrant herb garden is great for just about anyone! Check out some of these popular fragrant herbs and how to care for them so they’ll thrive indoors this winter!

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DIY Kokedama: Japanese Moss Ball Garden [Infographic]

DIY Kokedama: Japanese Moss Ball Garden [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Based on the ancient Japanese art, Kokedama or “moss ball” gardens are becoming a new trend in indoor gardening. In this DIY Kokedama tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a Japanese moss ball that can be suspended in mid-air by string or fishing line, or set down in a decorative tray or bowl.

Contrary to what one might think, kokedama are very easy to care for—easier than a traditional potted plant! In general, all they need is a bright location such as a window to provide them with adequate light, and a 5 minute soaking about once a week.

The process is simple and easy to do, so scroll down, read the guide, and you can be on your way to creating your own hanging garden of Babylon in no time!

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Air Plants Guide [Infographic]

Air Plants Guide [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Tillandsias, also known as air plants, are plants which doesn’t need any soil for its growth. Leaves of air plants absorb nutrients from air and water for its growth. Roots are for anchoring purpose only.

These indoor plants need special care and attention to grow indoor. It needs proper water, light, temperature and nutrients for its proper growth. This infographic will give you enough information for proper maintenance of this home decor.

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Which Indoor Plant is right for your Home? [Infographic]

Which Indoor Plant is right for your Home? [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Which Indoor Plant is right for your Home? [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

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Houseplants are a huge interiors trend right now. But never mind how great they look, there is also a slew of benefits to bringing greenery indoors. They purify the air, help boost healing and can even improve concentration and productivity.

There’s a science to getting it right, and lighting, temperature as well as your green-fingered skills all play a part in which plants you should use to decorate with. Indoor plants are a great addition to any house. But, there are simply too many choices out there. Make choosing easier with the help of this great infographic.

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What does zero waste mean?

What does zero waste mean? | ecogreenlove
Photograph: Andy Wong/AP

“When industry talks about “zero waste”, the goal is to send nothing besides hazardous waste to landfill. To achieve this, materials that previously would have been thrown away are recycled, repurposed or even designed out from the beginning. Simple enough. But is that what actually happens and do consumers even care?” – Sarah LaBrecque

Read the full original article on Guardian Sustainable Business. Find below a rough summary:

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