
8 Actions we can all take to Save Water [Video]

Water is essential to life on Earth. It covers the majority of the Earth’s surface, makes up over 50% of our bodies, produces our food, and supports livelihoods. But this precious resource is not infinite and we need to stop taking it for granted. What we eat, and how that food is produced all affect water.

Together, we can take water action for food and be the change.

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Sustainable Apartment Ideas: 5 Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Tips You Can Apply

Sustainable Apartment Ideas: 5 Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Tips You Can Apply | ecogreenlove

Our understanding of how to live in harmony with the environment changes along with urban settings. Contrary to popular belief, apartment living offers a wide range of options to redefine sustainability. Every nook and cranny of an apartment can serve as a symbol of a greater comprehension of eco-friendliness, fusing modern solutions with age-old wisdom.

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12 Apps that will Help the Earth and Your Wallet [Visual]

12 Apps that will Help the Earth and Your Wallet | ecogreenlove

Here are some valuable Apps listed that might help all of us evaluate, track or find simple solutions to shift our mindset and look at what and how we are buying and using things like food, clothes or even the web. And if that, by extension, saves us money… then why not give it a try? 😉

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Global Water Waste [Visuals]

Global Water Waste [Visuals] | ecogreenlove

With two-thirds of the global population predicted to live in regions of high water stress by 2025, providing an accurate and deep understanding of this issue is critical.

Utility Bidder, a UK-based utility comparison service created this insightful resource on Global Water Waste. It covers everything individuals, homes and businesses need to consider:

  • The impact of wastewater on the environment.
  • Global water waste statistics, with countries, ranked and country-specific case studies. The most common water-wasting habits.
  • The entire water process, including production, collection, treatment, and reuse.
  • How individuals and families can reduce water waste.
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How to practice Xeriscaping [Visual]

How to practice Xeriscaping [Visual] | ecogreenlove

Are you looking for a yard feature that is both beautiful and impressive but also low-maintenance? A rock garden is just that, and it might be the perfect option for you. 

Xeriscaping is a landscaping practice that can reduce water waste by 75% with low-water plants and efficient irrigation.

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