
Global Water Waste [Visuals]

Global Water Waste [Visuals] | ecogreenlove

With two-thirds of the global population predicted to live in regions of high water stress by 2025, providing an accurate and deep understanding of this issue is critical.

Utility Bidder, a UK-based utility comparison service created this insightful resource on Global Water Waste. It covers everything individuals, homes and businesses need to consider:

  • The impact of wastewater on the environment.
  • Global water waste statistics, with countries, ranked and country-specific case studies. The most common water-wasting habits.
  • The entire water process, including production, collection, treatment, and reuse.
  • How individuals and families can reduce water waste.
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AquaTelligent 🚿

AquaTelligent | ecogreenlove

Do you know how much water and energy your last shower used? Showers are one of the most water and energy intensive devices in your home. They can make up to 25% of your yearly water and energy consumption and have a significant environmental footprint. Most showers waste a lot of warm water that just flows directly down the drain.

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Clean and Green Hospitals [Infographic]

Clean and Green Hospitals [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Looking after the environment has become a priority of many hospitals. Innovative buildings designed for healthcare are now also choosing to care about the surroundings as well as their patients. It’s not only good for the earth, but provides a more holistic approach to a patient’s health. Futuristic, state of the art facilities, are winning awards and making their mark on the architectural world.

Here, we take a look at some of the most environmentally friendly hospitals in the UK and around the world.

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Environmentally Friendly Hospitals [Infographic]

Environmentally Friendly Hospitals [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

These innovative hospitals are choosing to look after the environment as well as their patients. With modern, state of the art facilities, eco-friendly hospitals are winning awards for their efforts.

Here, we take a look at some of the most environmentally friendly hospitals in the USA.

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