
10 Xeriscaping Ideas for Dry Climates [Visual]

10 Xeriscaping Ideas for Dry Climates [Visual] | ecogreenlove

Xeriscaping is a landscape designing technique of creating a yard that requires little water. Xeriscaping takes advantage of native and drought hardy plants, along with hardscaping and decorative elements to create an attractive display that requires minimal maintenance.


The practice is most popular in arid and semiarid climates, where watering restrictions are common but can be practiced in any area.

It’s easy to see the appeal of xeriscaping. From lowering monthly water bills and less maintenance to helping out the environment, it definitely has its perks. If you are contemplating converting your lawn to a xeriscaped space, here are a few tips to get you started on the right path.

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How to afford to Be Eco-Friendly while you’re Stuck at Home

How to afford to Be Eco-Friendly while you’re Stuck at Home | ecogreenlove

It’s not uncommon for the terms expensive and eco-friendly to be paired together, but this doesn’t always have to be the case. With an increasing number of the population spending more time in their homes, it’s important to assess how increased hours spent indoors can impact our planet. As energy bills rise, now is the perfect time to consider how you can be more eco-friendly with your choices at home, and more importantly how to afford to make these changes.

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AquaTelligent 🚿

AquaTelligent | ecogreenlove

Do you know how much water and energy your last shower used? Showers are one of the most water and energy intensive devices in your home. They can make up to 25% of your yearly water and energy consumption and have a significant environmental footprint. Most showers waste a lot of warm water that just flows directly down the drain.

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Reasons to Go Green with your Water + Water Efficient tips [Infographic]

Reasons to Go Green with your Water + Water Efficient tips [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

The Earth’s surface is 71 percent water- with a mass covering of this caliber, it can be easy to assume that the natural resource is in abundance by mistake. However, a closer look at this statistic will reveal that 97 percent of this water is not suitable for drinking. As reported by the U.S Department of Interior’s Bureau of Reclamation, only 3 percent of freshwater resources would be available for consumption. Even then, only 0.5 percent is ready for consumption. The additional 2.5 percent is untappable due to being encased in ice caps or deeply polluted.

With the human population growing at a steady rate within the past decade, it becomes increasingly necessary to conserve water. Water conservation does not mean going without water. Rather, it means utilizing the small water supply available as wisely as possible. If you’re still not convinced, educate yourself on the benefits of going green with your water and ways in which you can make the switch to a more sustainable lifestyle.

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