
Primary Threats to Bees + 10 ways to save them [Visuals]

Primary Threats + 10 Ways to Save the Bees [Visuals] | ecogreenlove

Scientific studies have linked the use of pesticides containing the chemical thiamethoxam to the falling numbers of honeybees, wild bees and other animals which pollinate plants.

Insects play a vital role in the food chain – with around a third of the food we eat relying on pollination mainly by bees.

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Eco-Friendly Gardening Checklist [Infographic]

Eco-Friendly Gardening Checklist [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Creating your own garden is a great way to help the environment in a natural way. These tips provided can help make your garden even more environment friendly in multiple ways.

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Why we Need to Save the Bees [Infographic]

Why we Need to Save the Bees [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Not only are bees incredible pollinators, they are also the only insect in the world to produce food that humans can eat. Over the last two decades, research has shown that this hardworking creature is in rapid decline.

Find in this infographic below, why it’s so important that we save these ancient insects and how you can help:
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Tips for a Green Home [Infographic]

Tips for a Green Home [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

“Homeowners can protect their homes and local waterways by taking some simple steps. Our tips for a green home and yard involve using solar energy, collecting run-off rain, properly disposing of paint brushes and paint cans, and exercising caution with pesticides and grass clippings. You can also treat your windows with low-emittance coating and close gaps by purchasing replacement windows.”

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Creating an Eco-Friendly Garden [Infographic]

Creating an Eco-Friendly Garden [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

“Creating and eco-friendly garden is beneficial in many ways. Not only does it help the environment, but it is also beautiful to look at and relax in. Here is everything you need to know.”

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