
Surviving in Wilderness [Infographic]

Surviving in Wilderness [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Surviving in the wilderness can be a life changing experience. Having the right gear is important, but you won’t believe what millennials would take.

If you had to take a moment and think, what are the things that you cannot live without? When you ask this question nowadays, the answer in most cases will be a smartphone, iPod, laptop and things like that. But in the wild things get real. It turns out you really need a few basic necessities to survive. So if we take all the things that weigh us down out of the equation, what are the things that you absolutely need to survive in the wild?

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Winter Prep for a Spring Garden [Infographic]

Winter Prep for a Spring Garden [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

In the depth of winter, it may seem that there is little to do in your garden. There are few plants and flowers growing, the weather is cold and less daylight prevents you from spending a lot of time outdoors.

However, there are things you can be doing to prepare your garden for spring. From tools and sheds, to digging over soil and making it ready for planting, this infographic shows you some practical ways to get a head start on your spring garden.

By planning ahead, you can ensure a beautiful garden with pretty flowers and tidy borders. You’ll be the envy of the street!

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Autumn Gardening Jobs [Infographic]

Autumn Gardening Jobs [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Just because it’s autumn it doesn’t mean the gardening has to stop. While it will be difficult to watch your beautiful summer garden lose some of its beauty, there is still so much you can get done. Your garden can still look amazing throughout autumn and you must remember that it is also a great time to prepare your garden for winter and spring.

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