
Energy-Efficient Home Hacks for Vacation [Visual]

Energy-Efficient Home Hacks for Vacation [Visual] | ecogreenlove

Although you’re taking a vacation, your home will still be working while you’re gone. Here are a few steps to take to minimize your house’s energy consumption and to mitigate the risk of potential damages while your home is unattended.

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Reducing Heat loss in your Home [Infographic]

Reducing Heat loss in your Home [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Heat loss in the home can result in recurring high utility bills and that is something that no one wants! Running a household is stressful enough without losing money through heating the home only for it to be lost out through non-insulated areas. Furthermore, in an age where we need to be more conscious of our environment, not being energy efficient is irresponsible so it’s important to be educated about how we can instigate change, even on a small scale!

The guys from Senator Windows have put together this infographic below that details some interesting statistics related to heat loss; it explains where exactly the heat is lost throughout the property, it defines “r-value” and it also highlights a number of ways that heat loss issues can be tackled.

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Home Insulation & Energy Efficiency Guide [Visual]

Home Insulation & Energy Efficiency Guide [Visual] | ecogreenlove

This in-depth online guide about the importance of energy efficiency and insulation in our homes shares useful information, such as:

  1. Why energy efficiency is so important, and how it can lessen our impact on the environment.
  2. Practical tips and advice about home insulation and how to ensure your property is well-insulated.
  3. Ways to save energy and reduce costs via smart meters, energy efficient lighting, and government green incentives.
  4. Other useful information about energy efficiency that families could find very helpful.

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Eco-Friendly Ideas for a Homeowner [Infographic]

If you think that implementing eco-friendly measures in your home is more expensive than it’s worth, it’s worth considering that most of these measures involve short-term spending for long-term saving. Ultimately, the costs of installing new features will end up being recouped in the long run. Also, homeowners who make their homes more environmentally friendly often feel satisfaction that they are doing their bit for the good of Mother Nature.

If you would like to improve the eco-friendliness of your home, there are some very simple and inexpensive measures you can take as a very good starting point. For instance, opt for energy-saving light bulbs with low wattage that will last you for much longer than traditional incandescent bulbs. Also, get into the habit of using washing machines and dishwashers only when they are full, as using these appliances with half-loads or less is a highly inefficient practice that will serve only to plump your utility bills.

If you are very serious about living in an eco-friendly home, projects such as installing solar panels on your roof and adding insulation to walls will drastically reduce your carbon footprint and greatly boost your home’s value if you decide to sell it further down the line. These are prime examples of how a relatively minor investment now could reap substantial savings in the longer-term.

This infographic from EZ Living Interiors explores a few more ways in which you can transform your home into an impressively eco-friendly residence.

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Could you live Off the Grid? [Infographic]

Could you live Off the Grid? [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Advancements in micro-energy production mean that by using one or more of the methods listed in this piece, providing energy for a modern home has never been more achievable. A part of this will involve coupling your own energy production with energy efficient ways of heating your home.

Yet living off the grid requires more than simply providing your own energy. To really embrace off-the-grid living you will need to find your own water supply and produce and store as much food as possible.

Unless you’re planning to be a subsistence farmer, you may want to try using a greenhouse. Greenhouses are an excellent way to produce much needed food all year round. However, growing food is only half the battle. You will also need to store it ready for times of need. This is where your DIY skills could come in handy as the best way to store food could be to simply build your own root cellar.

While it may be unrealistic to use all of these methods. Adopting one or two of them would be a great way of becoming both more self-reliant and more environmentally friendly.

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