
What NOT to feed your Pets [Infographic]

What NOT to feed your Pets [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

We all love to spoil our pets by giving them a tasty treat once in a while, but not all foods that we enjoy are suitable for sharing with your pets.

Take a look at some of the things which are best kept away from your furry friends, and make sure you’re aware of the dangers of feeding the wrong treats to your cat, dog, rabbit or rat.

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Green Documentaries: Merchants of Doubt

A documentary that looks at pundits-for-hire who present themselves as scientific authorities as they speak about topics like toxic chemicals, pharmaceuticals and climate change.

The troubling story of how a cadre of influential scientists have clouded public understanding of scientific facts to advance a political and economic agenda.

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Facts about Fruit Drinks [Infographic]

Found on How Stuff Works and originally published on
as Soda’s Evil Twin: The Dangers of “Fruit Drinks”

According to info gathered by, fruit drinks are not only not “healthy” but they are in many cases actually worse for you than soft drinks and sodas. Higher in sugar and much higher in calories. And even though some (but not all) contain real fruit juice, they are probably responsible for more expanding waistlines than those donuts you gave up eating during the morning sales briefing. (Considering an 8-ounce serving of Snapple Apple has more sugar than 2 and a half Krispy Kreme glazed donuts, you were probably off reaching for the box rather than the bottle.)