
Seasonal Flowers [Hand Drawn Infographic]

Seasonal Flowers [Hand Drawn Infographic] | ecogreenlove

ecogreenlove started out as a resource for upcycling projects, as many of you might be aware of – but it quickly grew to a full-blown blog that looks at just about anything that can make living greener, more sustainable, and more fulfilling.

Now, I’d like to let you in on a little secret that’s going to improve your well-being while adding more life and color to empty spaces.

Continue reading “Seasonal Flowers [Hand Drawn Infographic]”


How to attract Pollinators [Infographic]

How to attract Pollinators [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Attract Pollinators | ecogreenloveOriginally Published on Fracture Paradigm

Here are fifteen easy ways to assure you will have a plentiful supply of pollinators all season long. It’s not too soon or late to start planning. Pinterest friendly, so spread the word! 😉

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Flowering Color Calendar [Infographic]

Flowering Color Calendar [Infographic] | ecogreenloveBrought to you by

Enjoy having colorful blooms in your garden all year round by planting the right flowers. This Flowering Color Calendar charts the progress of a wide range of plants. From January to December.

Please click here to read more information in detail on how to get the best from your flowers all year round.

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ecogreenlove is a completely free website that offers information, tips and guide to live a more sustainable life. We are two persons doing everything: from research, design, P.R. to posting on social networks. Please, help us improve and grow!