
Reusing old Sewing Machines

Reusing Sewing Machines | ecogreenlove

– John Farrier

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Reusing Broken Things (in general)

Almost EVERYTHING can be reused, check these great ideas!

Fill your dyed Easter eggs with beeswax and create tea lights out of them.
Make plant markers out of broken pots.
If you’ve got the artistic skill, make a little micro-garden out of those shards.

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Reusing Old Tires / Tyres (from bikes, cars, trucks…)

Updated: February 2019

*Approximately, one tire is discarded per person per year. Tires are also often recycled for use on basketball courts and new shoe products.

Reusing Old Tires / Tyres | ecogreenlove
Amarildo Silva (Caominhas) turns old tires into comfortable and decorated beds for pets and beautiful containers for plants as well [via Bored Panda]
Reusing Old Tires / Tyres | ecogreenlove
ReStyled Rubber Bike Tire Stamps

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