
How to attract Pollinators [Infographic]

How to attract Pollinators [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Attract Pollinators | ecogreenloveOriginally Published on Fracture Paradigm

Here are fifteen easy ways to assure you will have a plentiful supply of pollinators all season long. It’s not too soon or late to start planning. Pinterest friendly, so spread the word! 😉

Be Eco: Join the Green and Share the Love!

How to keep Cats out of The Yard / Garden

By Nikki Phipps (Author of The Bulb-o-licious Garden)
Originally posted on Gardening Know How

While there are many repellents on the market aimed at keeping these animals at bay, there are no sure-fire results, as each cat responds to repellents differently. Let’s look at how to keep cats out of the yard and how to keep cats out of my garden soil.

How to Keep Cats Out of My Garden Soil

It’s no secret – cats are unpredictable and extremely territorial, so keeping cats out of garden areas can be a bit tricky. They mark their territory by depositing pheromones from scent glands (urinating or otherwise), and will continue to visit as long as their scent remains. Therefore, if an area of your garden has been frequented by a cat, the first thing you must do to keep cats out of the yard is remove any feces along with some of the soil.

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Plants that Repel Insects

Originally posted on Natural Living Ideas

The warmer months are on their way, and what does that mean? Bugs! If you are not into using chemicals to repel bugs, read on for some great plants that are natural insect repellents! Think about it: repelling insects naturally, and sprucing up your space with beautiful plants- what could be better?

Continue reading “Plants that Repel Insects”

Top 5 Edible Weeds

by Michelle Toole on Healthy Holistic Living

Some of those weeds you see growing in the local park, or in the forest nearby, are something more than just plants you step on. A lot of those are actually edible.

But let’s be clear unless you are absolutely positive about the weed you are pulling I wouldn’t recommend eating it! Be smart and healthy.

1. Dandelion

Ahh the dandelion, one of my favorite! This weed can be a bit bitter but it’s great for the liver. This common weed holds incredible nutritional value. “Dandelions are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and it even has antioxidants. For example, one cup of raw dandelion greens contains 112% of your daily required intake of vitamin A and 535% of vitamin K,” explains Edible Wildfood. Contrary to popular belief, dandelions are actually good for your grass and garden, as their long taproots help summon minerals and nitrogen to the surface where shallow-rooting plants can take advantage of them.  Continue reading “Top 5 Edible Weeds”