
How to read the Produce Stickers [Infographic]

How to read the Produce Stickers [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Sticky fruit labels don’t only exist to annoy us, leave glue on our apples and end up on the bottoms of our shoes. They serve a useful function as well, like telling us if they’re conventional food, real food, or frankenfood.

So maybe you don’t care about where your fruit comes from. That’s fine. But I can tell you that lots of big corporations and lawyers and stockholders and accountants and bankers and politicians would prefer if you didn’t ask.

We can only advice you: Prefer buying fresh local produce or in the farmer’s market, usually they sell fruits and vegs without a sticker or even better, grow your own food 🙂 That way you can also skip the litter that these stickers are part of.

How to read the Produce Stickers [Infographic] | ecogreenlove
Infographic by (2013)

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