
Global Energy Efficiency [Infographic]

Global Energy Efficiency [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Controlling and reducing energy consumption has become a priority of governments around the world in recent years. It is now apparent that our planet’s natural resources are running out and if we are to sustain the global economy and take care of the earth, then we need to be more energy efficient. This will result in less money spent on energy by homeowners, businesses, schools and government agencies and the money saved can be spent on things, such as education, housing and healthcare.

As well as saving money and being good for the economy, being energy efficient is of course, great for the environment and over time this will enhance our quality of life. The Paris Agreement, a treaty signed by almost 200 countries around the world so far, has set in place targets and deadlines to help reduce energy consumption.

In this infographic we’ll show you some of those targets and what they mean, as well as how countries are currently progressing. We’ll also give you some handy tips on what you can do in your own home to help conserve energy and play your part in the fight against global warming.

If you’re wondering what the UK has done to combat energy consumption, we’ll give you some information on that too! Politics and government plans can be complicated, but we’ve broken things down in this piece to give you a better understanding of an issue that’s vital to every person on the planet. Get ready to learn more about Global Energy Efficiency.

Global Energy Efficiency [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

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