
Amazon Dash: more Plastic and Consumption

Photograph: Samuel Gibbs for the Guardian

Amazon Dash: does the world really need more little pieces of plastic?
Excerpt from the full original article by Senay Boztas on Guardian Circular Economy

Amazon Dash: does the world really need more little pieces of plastic? | Photograph: Amazon
Image by Amazon via Guardian

Critics say Amazon Dash buttons could increase unsustainable consumption.

Amazon launched its Dash buttons in the UK and parts of Europe this week. For the price of £4.99 – redeemable from a first order – Amazon Prime subscribers will be able to summon refills of products from Play-Doh to Wilkinson Sword razor blades with a button press.

“They are a wasteful use of technology and a surprising step backwards for a company that prides itself on its innovative abilities,” says Greenpeace’s Gary Cook from San Francisco (where the Dash launched last year).

“There is nothing particularly innovative about creating a disposable electronic device that locks the user into a particular brand of disposable products. Adding to the massive global e-waste problem with an electronic device that has such limited functionality is certainly not innovative.

Meanwhile, Amazon defends the environmental credentials of its Dash buttons. Tarek El-Hawary, a senior spokesman, explained: “Amazon Dash buttons are fully recyclable and Amazon will cover the cost of recycling. Orders placed via Dash buttons are grouped together where possible, as with any order we fulfil … Prime customers can also continue to order via the website or Amazon app if they wish.”

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