
Mood and the Menstrual Cycle [Infographic]

Mood and the Menstrual Cycle [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

The word hormone comes from the Greek hormo, meaning to move forward. That’s appropriate because these powerful chemicals keep every part of the body working properly. Estrogen and progesterone, the primary female hormones, are essential for reproduction, growth, metabolism, and immune function. However, their constant fluctuation may also wreak havoc on the way many women feel.

In an analysis of 41 published studies of women’s daily moods, more than half found a link between bad moods and menstruation. Moreover, women in the Penn Ovarian Aging Study reported an increase of depressive symptoms as they transitioned into menopause. If you feel like you’re on a hormonal roller coaster, read on to learn what research suggests about hormonal mood swings, and discover natural ways to feel better no matter where you are in your cycle or life.

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