
Plastic Waste Footprint [Infographic]

You can do much more than just carrying your own bag when shopping for groceries. We need a change in our consumer behaviour: We need to ditch the disposable, single-use items.

Plastic Waste Footprint [Infographic] | ecogreenlove
Source: BBC Science & Environment
Visualized by
Knowledge is Power. Please share this Infographic:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img class="wp-image-8788 size-full" title="Plastic Waste Footprint [Infographic] | ecogreenlove" src="" alt="Plastic Waste Footprint [Infographic] | ecogreenlove" width="760" height="1141" /></a> Source: <a href="" target="_blank">BBC Science &amp; Environment</a><br />Visualized by <a href=""></a>


Read more:
💚 Ending plastic waste with big promises? by Irene Banos Ruiz | DW News October 2018
💚 How Ocean Pollution affects humans [Infographic]
💚 How much of the Plastic is actually Recycled? [Infographic]

Go Zero Waste! 💚

Be Eco: Join the Green and Share the Love! | ecogreenlove

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ecogreenlove is a completely free website that offers information, tips and guide to live a more sustainable life. We are two persons doing everything: from research, design, P.R. to posting on social networks.

6 thoughts on “Plastic Waste Footprint [Infographic]

  1. Hey Ecogrenlove, I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog! This infographic is such a great way to tell people about the massive amounts of plastic in the ocean. Statistics like those are terrifying, and make it very clear how desperately we need to change our habits. Plastic Straws Suck is an initiative based in Sydney, Australia that’s encouraging people to stop using plastic straws because they’re so harmful. They’re actually among the top 10 items found on beach clean ups. You can check out my blog if you want to find out more.
    You’re doing some great stuff on your blog, keep it up!
    I look forward to reading more,

    1. Hi Tanya!
      Thank you for passing by and for your feedback. I’ll make sure to visit the Plastic Straws Suck initiative, maybe we can work together since we have the same goals.

      If you’re interested you can send us an email to and we will reply beginning of October as soon as we’re back to the office

      Cheers! 💚

  2. Hello ecogreenlove, I am doing a graphic novel about how others are polluting the earth and your blog has a lot of information thank you!

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