
Guide to Alternative Car Fuels [Infographic]

A Guide to Alternative Car Fuels [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

“While many of us are already familiar with electric cars, there are numerous other energy options for motorists who may prefer to deviate from gasoline. Hydrogen, biofuels, ethanol, propane and solar power are just some of the alternative on offer for the ‘greener’ motorist. Be aware, though, that each of these options has their downsides, and refuelling stations for alternative fuels are still in very short supply, although this is likely to change over the next few years.”

A Guide to Alternative Car Fuels [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Infographic by Southside Motor Factors

Be Eco: Join the Green, Share the Love! | ecogreenlove

2 thoughts on “Guide to Alternative Car Fuels [Infographic]

  1. Really interesting graphic. The potential drawback with electric cars not mentioned in the table is that, depending on how the electricity is generated it could just be displacing emissions and still consuming fossil fuels ( e.g. if it comes from a coal fired power station). Distinction between this and using electricity from renewable sources to charge the vehicle.

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