
Energy Efficient Garage [Infographic]

Energy Efficient Garage [Infographic] | ecogreenlove

Have you thought about how energy inefficient your garage is? Most worry about keeping their home warm and comfy during the cold season, however, they fail to realize that their garage sucks out a lot of energy from their home.

This checklist was created by Garage Door Repair

Here are ten things you can do to make your garage energy-efficient and save money on energy costs throughout the cold season. Your garage is an important part of your home. Follow these tips and you’ll have a more comfortable garage and home and lower energy bills. For more information from professional garage door repair technicians, contact your local repair company.

  1. Insulate Your Garage Door
    You can either buy an insulation kit or a new insulated door. The kit will be more affordable, however, may not provide as much insulation as a new door.
  2. Caulk between Your Garage Walls and Floor
    A foam sealant or latex/silicone based caulk works wonders to prevent heat from flowing out between your walls and floor.
  3. Seal The Door Connecting Your Home To Your Garage
    Check for leaks around the entrance door. Install weather-stripping around the door frame. If your threshold isn’t properly sealing the bottom of your door, apply a draft stopper. Caulk any leaks and the trim along the outside and inside of the door.
  4. Insulate Garage Walls
    Rolling the right R-value insulation between your joists or blowing it through a small hole in your drywall filling your garage’s sides and ceiling can help keep the warm air in and the cool air out.
  5. Insulate Outlets And Light Switches
    Use outlet/switch foam gaskets to seal these small escape hatches for energy and carbon monoxide.
  6. Switch Out Your Lights
    Start using either CFL or LED lights in your garage. A LED light bulb only uses 12 watts of electricity to create the equal amount of lumens as a regular 60 watt bulb. A CFL light only uses 15 watts.
  7. Windows
    Switch out your older windows with Energy Star® certified windows.
  8. Solar Heating
    If you really want to make your garage energy- efficient, install solar panels. This way you’ll avoid using electricity or gas to keep your garage warm and comfy.
  9. Seal Cracks In Your Garage Floor
    Cracks in your garage floor introduce cold air and gases into your garage and allow heat to escape. Concrete sealant will prevent heated air from escaping and stop cold air and gases from entering.
  10. Keep Your Garage Organized
    Do you have too much stuff crammed into your garage? Invest in a storage shed.

Do you have more tips? Share them with us! 🙂

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