
Reusing old Perfume Bottles

Reusing old Perfume Bottles | ecogreenlove
Repurpose old Perfume Bottles | ecogreenlove
by ecogreenlove

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Before anything, you need to clean the bottles. Follow this guide from eHow with only a few basic ingredients from your pantry like vinegar, dish soap and rice.

“You may wish to reuse an empty perfume bottle or display a fancy or antique perfume bottle that you have held onto for several years. Running a perfume bottle through a dishwasher may crack or even break the bottle, and scrubbing the inside of the perfume bottle likely will not remove all of the perfume’s fragrance from the bottle’s interior. Simply soaking the bottle may not remove all of the perfume residue inside. Cleaning perfume bottles effectively is easy.”


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10 thoughts on “Reusing old Perfume Bottles

  1. I’ve been holding onto a beautiful hand-etched perfume bottle for years despite the fact that I never once had the inclination to actually use the perfume. You’ve inspired me to find a way to put it to good use!

    1. Thank you Danielle for your feedback!
      I’m glad you were inspired in a way, hope you can share whatever you decide to do with your perfume bottle with us 🙂

      Have a great start into the week 💚

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