Reusing disposable Chopsticks

Reusing disposable Chopsticks | ecogreenlove

If you eat Asian food, you have the experience of using single-use chopsticks. Almost 25 million trees and bamboo plants are needed. So, in order to avoid such waste, people started repurposing them.

ecotip: Have your own set of reusable chopsticks, and whenever you go to a restaurant or order takeout, tell them not to include chopsticks 🙂

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Reusing disposable Chopsticks | ecogreenlove
DIY Chopstick rest

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8 thoughts on “Reusing disposable Chopsticks

  1. I find a chopstick is essential for unblocking my new Dyson every time I use it ( although actually I have a reusable one for that). Kindling for the fire too maybe.

    1. Indeed! I used to do that until I decided to buy my own wooden chopsticks. If we know we are going to eat asian I take them, if it happens spontaneously then I bring them home, wash them and use them mainly as supporters for seedlings.

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