
Reusing Baby Food Jars and Bottles

Reusing Baby Food Jars and Bottles | ecogreenlove

If the bottles are scratched up and junky and can’t be reused, ask your local recycling office where can you recycle them.”


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2 thoughts on “Reusing Baby Food Jars and Bottles

  1. I am a keen ‘re-user’ of old jars … and of many other things! I have a collection of jars I use for jam-making each year, but I also have a much larger collection of jars that I keep adding to whenever a new jar comes my way … ‘just-in-case-they-are-useful-one-day’ 🙂 I am always on the look-out for new re-using ideas!

    1. Yes! I know what you mean! I also have jars and jars and I always think: someday I’ll use them! I’m actually planning on reusing some wax and making some candles, those piled up jars will be useful at last! I always use quite a few for gifts but never reduce that much from the pile ☺️ have a great weekend! Thank you for passing by

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