Reusing plastic bags (liners) from cereal

Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
Reuse Wax Package Liners
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
Cut, clean cereal bags ready to use. They’re sturdy, easy to clean and you can use them over and over.
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
Recycled Cereal box liner iron infused plastic- sewn into gift bags

Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
Use cereal bag to cover leftovers
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
Non-Stick Smusher
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
Separating homemade hamburgers or snacks in the fridge or freezer
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
Use an empty Cereal box plastic bag to pound the chicken
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
As a shelf liner. Great for the pantry (and no more honey dripping on your shelf!). Also great as drawer liners too for the vanity, refrigerator crispers, and office drawers.
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
Reuse liners for storing frozen foods
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
Protect surfaces while working on a craft project.
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
Envelope from the liner of a cereal box
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
You can freeze cookie dough wrapped up in the liner of the cereal box.
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
freeze leftover tomato paste, line it with a leftover cereal box liner
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
Herb garden in a cereal box
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
Cereal Box Liners For Patterns
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
mini stocking made using a piece of recycled plastic bag from a box of breakfast cereal.
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
reuse a cereal bag is to make your own cracker crumbs!
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
Extra trash can liner
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
Store the chips in an empty cereal box liner and a bag clip.
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
Reuse cereal liners, they are super strong
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
Fire Starters
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
Pages of a book for kids
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
Doll Eco Bag
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
Plastic Carpet Gliding Skates
Creative Ways to Repurpose Cereal Liners | ecogreenlove
This bag could also be made with cereal plastic bag liner, maybe?

If you have more ideas, please share them to us as a comment here, via Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.

Trash is the failure of Imagination

Trash is the failure of Imagination | ecogreenlove

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7 thoughts on “Reusing plastic bags (liners) from cereal

  1. I use the cereal box liners for freezer bags. I fold over the top a few times and statple it closed.Works great!

    1. Great idea Joyce! 💚
      I portion my spinach and put it in the freezer inside of the cut and sewn cereal bags as well

      Thank you for passing by 🙂

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